Healthy Hair Hacks

Do you find it challenging to find the right products for your hair? Whether you are always on the go, a career woman, or busy with the kids there are many ways to keep your hair in excellent condition. The truth is when you look good you feel good. Take some time out to give those strands some attention and wave those bad hair days goodbye.

Photo by Guilherme Petri via unsplash

Start a Routine

My first tip is to start a routine. Plan a weekly wash party on Saturdays. Do your regular roller round up every evening at the same time. Make an appointment for a monthly hot oil treatment or deep conditioning. You can help your hair remain healthy by showing it some love and affection on a consistent basis.

Hire a Stylist

Another thing that you can do to maintain your hair is to find a great hair stylist. Going to the salon gives you a feeling of renewal. It can be great to chat with your hairdresser, catch up on current events, and have some fun. Over time your beautician will get to know your hair and give you advice like when you need change your routine or try something new.

Photo by Cesar Stavia via unsplash

Find the Right Products

Believe it or not the products do make a difference. It can be hard to find just the right shampoo, conditioner, moisturizers, and hair sprays. You can always ask around and find out what other people are using. You can also read reviews online and see what other women recommend. There are thousands of reviews on websites and social media. Find out what works best for your hair and stick with it.

Invest in a Good Blow Dryer

I recently purchased a new blow dryer that is amazing. It came with four attachments and several temperature and speed settings. My blow-drying time was quickly reduced, and I noticed a major difference in my hair. I highly suggest getting a good blow dryer even if it costs a little more.

No matter what your lifestyle is, it is always important to take some time out for self-care. Most of us put hair at the bottom of the list when it comes to upkeep. But if you love your hair – you will love your hair.